DIY Bracelet Ideas

We know that every lady her own personal style and way of carrying the accessory she wears. Among others, one of the jewellery items that basically requires extra attention is bracelets, a wrong choice, and this wrist ornament could easily break your entire appearance. You need many and several types of bracelet designs to go with your workwear, casual, and party look. But there’s only a limit to how many you could buy.

While we suggest that you go for the favourite bracelet designs that you come across, we would also recommend that making a stylish bracelet yourself isn’t a bad idea either. Hence, we bring you a brief explanation of different DIY bracelet ideas that are easy to create. They would help you to own a number of styles that you could either not find or afford at once while binge shopping.

This post will cover a few instructions on how you can go about making bracelet designs of your choice at home without breaking your head or glueing your fingers together while doing so. So, let’s begin.

DIY Bracelet Designs

If you browse the net for the latest bracelet designs to buy online, there are many and many styles that would come up in the results. But the use of gold, diamond, and gemstones along with platinum and silver often makes these wrist ornaments priced quite high. Although there are rubber and leather and other artificial material-based bracelets, the designs and the elegance are often brought only by precious metals. But you cannot have them all, and that is why we bring you a list of trending bracelet designs that you can craft at home with simple, everyday materials.

  Beaded Bracelet Designs

The name itself would help you imagine the bracelet design. To make this ever-trendy and classic bracelet at home, all you need is a box of colourful beads and a thread, preferably leather or suede. Simply stack one bead over the other across the thread and glue or stick the ends of the thread together to finish the bracelet design. These styles of wrist ornaments are also perfect for little kids and young children.

 Braided Bracelets

The process of designing a braided bracelet is similar to doing a hairstyle; take two or more different coloured threads (satin or any embroidery thread) and braid them together. You can also stick a couple of gold embroidery thread or beads to the finished design to get a chic looking bracelet. Such styles are perfect for daily wear or as charm bracelets.

 Nautical Sea-inspired Bracelet Style

SS21 has been about nautical fashion; the runway shows have generously adopted the style this season. The nautical bracelet designs are also making a similar type of splash. Inspired by all things sea, nautical knot bracelet styles require you to gather a couple of leather strips, normal thread, and ropes. Although the materials needed to make the wrist ornament are easy to procure, the crafting part is quite difficult. We suggest you watch a video or go through a tutorial to better understand the knots and anchor structure before designing the bracelet type.

Pearls and Tassel Bracelets

The classic white pearls and tassel touch to the bracelet is something that you could now make at home. All you need is a couple of embroidery threads and around 4 to 6 pearls. Design the wrist ornament similar to the beaded bracelet design. For the tassel touch, get a sating thread or ribbon and cut it halfway through in small parts to make it look like a tassel. Add this to the pearl bracelet like an extra dangling piece of jewellery.

Bold and Big Wooden Bracelet Designs

If you remember, a few years ago or in your college days, bold and big single wooden bracelet designs were quite a hit. They are still a hit. You will have to buy a simple wooden bracelet and spray paint. Come with a design for your bracelet and spray paint it on the wooden bracelet. You can use base paint and accent paint to bring your bracelet design to life.

Friendship Band Bracelets

Almost any bracelet is a friendship bracelet. Mostly, you can go with braided or beaded bracelet styles that are portable and easy to wear. If you wish to craft a friendship band bracelet, then you can also use plastic alphabets items, thin threads, fabric paint, and small plastic beads to just about bring any design that is in your mind.


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